Pinot Noir

Quicksands of Burgundy  (the event is for now postponed)
Date of the event: 
Thursday 5 November 2020

Join us at another interesting wine tasting - this time we will dive into Burgundy wine scene.

On the Sandomierz wine trail: Winnica Płochockich

I will always associate the name Płochoccy with a very good Zweigelt – it was the first Polish red wine which really surprised when I tried it a few years ago. That was a year of wine discoveries: single-variety Zweigelt wines, Polish wines in general and the first Polish red wine to suit my palate.

 It all started from us drinking wine together … - an interesting and funny interview with Nestor Kościański, winemaker and owner of Winnica Moderna

Winnica Moderna. Why the name Moderna? Apparently, the name of the winery came from a passion for modernism – the architectural style - shared by Nestor Kościański and two women, Nestor’s wife and his associate, who both happen to have the same first name: Katarzyna (or Kasia for short).

Drink Pink - Rosé wines worth tasting, part 1

DRINK PINK - rosé wines match perfectly the spring atmosphere. Check our today's selection:

Sześć Odcieni Pinot Noir
Date of the event: 
Thursday 18 June 2020

Pinot Noir i jego sześć odcieni. Trudna w odmianie i kapryśna odmiana jest uprawiana jednak na całym świecie, winiarze próbują, eksperymentują, dążą do ideału. Czy naprawdę najlepsze wina powstają z tego szczepu? Izabela Kamińska opowie nam o Pinot Noir, dlaczego tak wielu winiarzy kocha ten szczep. Przyjdź i przekonaj się sam, który odcień Pinot Noir jest twoim ulubionym.