Six shades of Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir. Some experts and winemakers call it The Holly Grail of wine. Others describe it: Beautiful, captivating, eternal. It's difficult and capricious grape variety to cultivate and work with. And many wine lovers would agree that its beauty is not straightforward. Most importantly, it's the type of wine made in every country, in the Old World and in the New World. We will select for you very special bottles from 6 countries and you will for sure find some matching your preference. Tasting held in English by Izabela Kamińska, wine journalist and author of the "Ale Wino" show to be watched on Youtube. Restauracja Forty, ul. Racławicka 99, Warszawa (in Fort Mokotów area).
We organize unique wine tasting experiences: tasting workshops and dinners,
as well as wine tours for individual and business customers.